NetM Token backed by NTM coin is listed in Ubeswap a protocol for decentralized exchange and automated liquidity provision on Celo Blockchain. Ubeswap enables Celo users and applications to trade between any two ERC20 tokens.
Swap, add liquidity and earn UBE LP token for yield farming NetM Token-NTMX on Celo.
Ubeswap rewards liquidity providers with UBE tokens, making trades much cheaper to perform without leaving the blockchain. Yield farming also turns the users of the protocol into token holders, rewarding protocol users with being early adopters of the project.
Yield farming is a way for Ubeswap users to generate additional rewards on their existing tokens.
How to swap NTMX in Ubeswap DEX?
Install Metamask, Celo extension wallet or Valora App for iOS & Android. Then fund your wallet with $CELO available in Binance, Coinbase, Coinlist and other exchanges.
Here is the configuration for Celo Mainnet in Metamask
Network name: CELO Mainnet
ChainID: 42220
Symbol: CELO
Block Explorer URL:
Select NTMX token or in any case search for the address 0x123ed050805e0998ebef43671327139224218e50
Import the the token in the list.
Start swap, add liquidity and earn UBE LP token for yield farming on Celo.
Ubeswap in Celo offers easy access, quick to reconcile transactions, with gas fees less than a tenth of a cent.