NetM Token backed by NTM coin is available in MDEX.COM a Decentralized Exchange on Huobi ECO Chain.
[Swap], [Add liquidity] and earn $MDX token for yield farming on MDEX.
MDEX rewards liquidity providers with DeFi tokens, making trades much cheaper to perform to DeFi Apes that turns early users into token holders.
What is MDEX?
MDEX is an Automated Market Maker, Yield Farming, and Staking platform on HECO ChainChain.
How to swap NTMX in MDEX?
Install Metamask, WalletConnect or any other wallet compatible with HECO. Then fund your wallet with $HT available in Huobi, FTX and other exchanges.
Here is the configuration for HECO Chain Mainnet in Metamask
Network name: HECO Chain
ChainID: 128
Symbol: HT
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